x-cellent technologies GmbH

3rd level support database administration, middleware administration

10 experts
Darstellung Icon für Standorte
2 Wochen Time-to-Start für dein IT-Projekt mit ServiceFactum
>1 year
Technologies:Oracle DB / Windows DB / Kubernetes / Ansible / Python / Cloud


Experts to support German colleagues


Through our DBA experts we support the end customer in the further development and maintenance of the database systems and all related tasks such as 3rd level support of the systems, performance analysis and permanent development of the environment.


  • Cost reduction
  • Provision of experts

Discover more Case Studies

Futuristisches Auto im digitalen Zeitalter

AUTOSAR Software Integration

Together with one of the largest debt collection companies in the CEE region, we designed, developed and documented the web app (iFrame) for seamless B2B-focused debt collection.

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Outsourcing of product development

Establishment of a virtual offshore unit

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Secure Data Space App

Develop, test and integrate a mobile application to access Secure Data Space's existing server services on a mobile device.

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